
Our Core Values

At Barneys we have three Core Values that shape our life as a church.

The Gospel

The gospel is the good news that Jesus is the King who lived, died and rose again to save us. This gospel message is the foundation of the church. It is through believing the gospel that we become, and grow, as followers of Jesus.

Therefore, at Barneys, we want the gospel to be central to our lives together, shaping the culture of the church and motivating all we do.  Because of this gospel focus, we place a high priority on learning from the Bible in our Sunday services, DNA groups and personal devotions.


The church is at the centre of God’s purposes for the world. His intention is not just to save isolated individuals but to build his church. For Christians, community is not just something we do, it is who we are.

At Barneys we want to take seriously our identity and responsibility as brothers and sisters in Christ.  We want to love each other deeply and to welcome others into our family as God has welcomed us into his.


The God of the Bible is a God on mission. He has revealed his eternal purpose to bring all things together under the rule of Jesus and, wonderfully, he has chosen to use us in accomplishing this.

At Barneys we want to take seriously Jesus’ great commission to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20). For some that will mean going to other parts of the world and we’re committed to sending and partnering with people who share the gospel in other countries and cultures. But for all of us it means being committed to prayer and missional action as part of our everyday lives here in Adelaide.