There are a lot of things that happen as part of our life together as a church, but we’ve found it helpful to group everything under four Key Activities that give expression to our Core Values. We encourage our church members to be engaged in all four areas as a way of living out their identity as followers of Jesus.
Our Key Activities

Gathering together is a key part of life in our community. We gather weekly for our Sunday Services to be reminded of the gospel, to rejoice in all that God has done for us, and to be renewed in our identity as his people.
We also place a high priority on our life together beyond the Sunday service. Our Gospel Communities are the primary way in which we seek to live out our family identity, but there are many other informal ways in which we are striving to love one another.

We want every member of the Barneys family to be growing as a follower of Jesus. A key way that we seek to grow is through our small, single-sex DNA groups in which we Discover what God says in his word, Nurture one another with the truths of the gospel applied to our everyday lives, and help and pray for each other to Act out our gospel convictions.

One of the ways that we show our love for one another and our commitment to gospel mission is through giving of our Treasure, Talents and Time. This includes giving financially to the church’s ministry, serving as part of a ministry team such as music, kids or welcoming, and taking the many opportunities to respond to the needs of people inside and outside the church family.

We want every member at Barneys to be engaged in the church’s mission through their own prayers and witness. We believe that mission is best done together so we encourage our members to look for opportunities to connect their friends with the Christian community, whether through a Sunday service or Gospel Community event. We offer regular opportunities for people to explore the Christian faith, through events, courses and one-to-one Bible reading. Find out more about opportunities to Explore Christianity.